Fuck Fear

A quote by (I believe) Oliver Stone made its way in to my Life recently.

‘Writing = ass in chair’

In context it is about writing, but it can easily be translated to Life in general as ‘cut the crap, do it’.

It’s about Action, and taking Action is vital when searching for meaningful Purpose in Life as without it the only thing you’ll have to look back on is a heap of regrets.

When I first wrote this idea down for a blog

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reaction (as well as that of my co-writers) was ‘and…?’ So I’m saying ‘if you want to do something then do it’. Wow, fucking deep insight there.

But I’ve been reluctant to let the idea go because if it’s so obvious then why can I walk around town and see so many hanging heads, wearily dragging themselves through a diluted existence; hear so many old guys in the pub talking about what they wanted to do with their lives but how it never happened; hear so many mates complaining that they missed their chance with this amazing girl … and how come I have let that happen to me?

Fear is the most obvious culprit here as it feeds the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ into the situation to cloud the judgement. Taking a situation by the Balls – be it going for the dream job, the place at Uni., the girl (although in the case of the girl I guess they’re metaphorical Balls, depends what your in to, I suppose) – means taking the fight to Fear and is the only way to get the job done.

Of course, once you’ve defeated Fear things don’t always turn out for the best. You don’t get the job, the girl says no, whatever. But that’s OK. At least you tried and you aren’t left with the feeling of ‘what if…’

And you know what; the rejection doesn’t hurt half as bad as Fear told you it would. You may have been knocked down to the mat but the towel’s not been thrown in yet unless you allow it to be. Get up and fight the next round.

So get your ass in chair, on stage, in the ring.

And while you’re there raise a two finger salute and say ‘Fuck Fear’.

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